Ein modulares Desk Organizing Tool



Untersucht wurde der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die Notationssysteme verschiedener Individuen.

Die Resultate der Untersuchung dienten als Grundlage für die Entwicklung des Desk Organizing Kits „STRUKTUR“, welches an Schnittstellen und Überschneidungspunkten der Digital/Analog-Thematik anknüpft und darauf reagiert.


Das modulare Desk Organizing Kit „STRUKTUR“ kann von den Benutzerinnen und Benutzern individuell und modular zusammengestellt sowie angeordnet werden.

Durch den Guide, der das performative Zusammenstellen begleitet, erlangen Nutzerinnen und Nutzer den Überblick über

die Konstruktion und über die eigenen To Do’s.

Stationary, Desktopsituation, Creativespaces, Modular Desk Organizing Tool, minimal design, Planning tool, Organization Tool, Planning Kit, Ceramics, Wood, Metal. Designed and produced at Zurich University of the Arts.
Stationary, Desktopsituation, Creativespaces, Modular Desk Organizing Tool, minimal design, Planning tool, Organization Tool, Planning Kit, Ceramics, Wood, Metal. Designed and produced at Zurich University of the Arts. Wood pieces
Stationary, Desktopsituation, Creativespaces, Modular Desk Organizing Tool, minimal design, Planning tool, Organization Tool, Planning Kit, Ceramics, Wood, Metal. Designed and produced at Zurich University of the Arts.  Metall pieces.
Stationary, Desktopsituation, Creativespaces, Modular Desk Organizing Tool, minimal design, Planning tool, Organization Tool, Planning Kit, Ceramics, Wood, Metal. Designed and produced at Zurich University of the Arts.  Ceramic Collection
Stationary, Desktopsituation, Creativespaces, Modular Desk Organizing Tool, minimal design, Planning tool, Organization Tool, Planning Kit, Ceramics, Wood, Metal. Designed and produced at Zurich University of the Arts.
Stationary, Desktopsituation, Creativespaces, Modular Desk Organizing Tool, minimal design, Planning tool, Organization Tool, Planning Kit, Ceramics, Wood, Metal. Designed and produced at Zurich University of the Arts.  Guide Book.
Stationary, Desktopsituation, Creativespaces, Modular Desk Organizing Tool, minimal design, Planning tool, Organization Tool, Planning Kit, Ceramics, Wood, Metal. Designed and produced at Zurich University of the Arts.  Guide Book part two.
Stationary, Desktopsituation, Creativespaces, Modular Desk Organizing Tool, minimal design, Planning tool, Organization Tool, Planning Kit, Ceramics, Wood, Metal. Designed and produced at Zurich University of the Arts.  Exhibition situation.

Exhibition situation at Zurich University of the Arts. 


all contents ©Yael Anders unless otherwise stated


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